
Aug 2024

How to Evaluate Integrity of Foil Pouches?

How to Evaluate Integrity of Foil Pouches?

Package integrity is actually the capacity of a package to prevent product loss, obstruct the entry of harmful gases or other substances, and block microorganism ingress. This ensures that the product fulfills all relevant safety and quality criteria. Sterility of products is critical to reduce and prevent patient infection when using a product. Therefore, testing for package integrity is essential for regulatory clearance of sterile pharmaceutical products, medical products, and medical devices. Leak testing and seal quality inspection of the packing system are both included in the pharmaceutical package integrity testing process. Foil pouches, vials, prefilled syringes and blister packs are some of the pharmaceutical package formats.

Overview of Foil Pouches

Foil pouches are one of the most common types of flexible packaging used in the pharmaceutical and medical device industries. Pouches provide several packing advantages that cannot be found in other packaging options. In most cases, foil pouches are used as a part of a multi-layered packaging system. Different package integrity test methods can be used for testing foil pouches. Helium leak detection is one such approach.

Evaluating Integrity of Foil Pouches Using SIMS 1915+

Seal Integrity Monitoring System (SIMS) 1915+ is a helium-based leak detection method that has been effectively used in a wide range of pharmaceutical and medical device product packaging systems. Packages may be quantitatively evaluated to levels that exceed those achieved using the vacuum bubble and dye penetration test techniques using helium as the tracer gas. This method may be used with a variety of pharmaceutical and parenteral goods, including vials, syringes, cartridges, and blister cards.

SIMS 1915+ enables testing to be carried out at room temperature as well as cryo storage conditions, providing quantitative analysis of packages at a sensitivity level as low as 1 x 10-10 mbar/L/sec. It gives relevant data sets in place of a simple pass/fail criteria. Each SIMS 1915+ Helium Leak Testing instrument is custom built according to the specifications and package configuration specified by the client. We specialize in creating and developing unique test fixtures that are specifically tailored to the component being tested, ensuring precision and accuracy to fulfill your research objectives, package configurations, and quality monitoring requirements.

SIMS 1915+ Options

  • Low-Temperature Add-on Systems LT 80, LT 85 and LT 150 for ultra-cold CCI testing utilizing helium leak detection methods.
  • Helium leak testing for non-vacuum chamber applications with custom test fixtures.
  • External helium leak standards in a variety of leak rate ranges.
  • Helium Sniffer Probe - for determining leak sites on a site-by-site basis.
  • Vacuum clamps, O-ring seals, chamber gaskets, and other components.
  • Vacuum test fixtures come in a variety of sizes to meet all package types and sizes.

High-barrier pouches are employed in the pharmaceutical and medical industries to transport and store products safely. Foil pouch packaging provides the optimal conditions for storage and transportation for everything from medical samples to pharmaceutical prescriptions. Testing pouches is critical for ensuring the package integrity.

helium leak testing, helium leak detection, package integrity testing
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