ASTM – F2391 Standard Test Method

The ASTM F2391-05 Standard Test Method for Measuring Package and Seal Integrity Using Helium as the Tracer Gas serves to establish the use of helium as an effective Container Closure Integrity test method that is recognized by the global regulatory community. Going back over 20 years, PTI's leadership team served on the ASTM Sub-Committee that worked to establish this procedure that is recognized worldwide.

The ASTM F2391-05 test method allow the user to carry out package and seal integrity testing with sufficient sensitivity to quantify seals to extremely low levels of sensitivity. With the use of seal-isolating leak testing fixtures, packages constructed of various materials can be tested in the full range of seal performance requirements and enable this procedure to effectively be used for a wide variety of applications inclusive of:

  • As a design tool for new container and package systems
  • For tooling qualification programs
  • Manufacture, Packaging and Sealing Process setup
  • Routine Process validation
  • Quality assurance monitoring
  • Research and development

Key aspects of the <1207> chapter that must be understood and considered in development of an adequate test plan for your container or package system include:

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