Low Temperature
Test Systems


Low Temperature/Cold Storage Package Test Systems

Complex drug and biologic formulations have resulted in a continuous drive toward deeper cold storage in an effort to maintain product quality attributes.

In an effort to maintain product quality attributes of increasingly complex and delicate formulations, life science companies continue to drive toward deeper cold storage. These products, often cell or gene therapies, or proteinaceous in nature, often require storage at temperatures below -20°C, and are involved in storage and distribution environments incorporating dry ice (~-78.5°C), or even liquid nitrogen (~-200°C). While the products demanding such intense cold storage may be complex, oftentimes, the package systems in which the products are placed are rather traditional in nature, such as a screw or crimp top vial. However, at these temperatures, many of the materials used in these package systems and responsible for maintaining package integrity are not typically assessed at these temperatures.


When exposed to deep-cold or ultra-cold temperatures, physical changes to elastomeric components in particular can occur as materials reach or exceed their glass transition state, creating leaks at low temperatures that would otherwise not be observed while at room temperature. This type of leakage is typically observed at primary seal areas, such as that between an elastomeric closure and glass vial being used below-60C. Having a means to test container closure integrity while at these low temperatures enables manufacturers to gain insight into optimal package choice and design, as well as assembly parameters, to minimize leakage and demonstrate robust understanding of a package system’s performance in accordance with USP 1207.

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